Subway Ran Out of…. Lettuce? lolwut

I stopped into a local Subway this evening. It’s the Subway on Columbia Ave in the same strip mall as the Giant, Taco Bell, and Starbucks. (I can rarely remember the names of malls for some reason). As I walked in the door, an employee greeted me from behind the counter with a typical “Welcome to Subway…”, which she followed with an apology explaining that that were out of italian bread and pepperoni, so if I wanted something with those two items I was out of luck.

Ducks at Overlook Park

Ducks Swimmming at Overlook Park Lancaster, PA

A pair of ducks swimming in a bit of creek overflow at Overlook Park behind the area of construction just off Fruitville Pike.

I came across these two while out for an early evening jog. They weren’t very interested in posing for a photo…